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#best4you – the only power drink with a slightly alkaline pH value of ~7.3

Reach for the best way to fuel your body! The power drink with the ideal composition for your optimal performance! Developed by a team of sports doctors and nutritionists.

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Best4You - Powerdrink


is used to enhance performance in sports, as well as during extreme physical and mental exertion.


is able to extend the performance high during demanding activities


improves concentration and cognitive performance – whether in sports, school, or work.


replenishes carbohydrate stores and rehydrates, or best possible compensates for fluid loss


can be used before, during, and/or after physical and mental exertion.

Benefit from the unique, patented, and scientifically proven composition!

The composition of #best4you complies with current sports medicine and sports science recommendations. #best4you is carbohydrate-optimised, hypotonic, slightly alkaline (pH 7.3), fructose-free, and caffeine-free. As a result, the power drink supports both physical and cognitive performance, as well as regeneration, in a perfectly tolerable manner.

Experience an unparalleled effect on your performance!

#best4you – the energy drink with the best impact and refreshing blackcurrant flavour
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Detailed information about the composition can be found here!

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